GUY VASILOVICH brings an illustrious animation, cartooning, and musical background to film and television. He is the creator of National Geographic's first animated series: "IGGY ARBUCKLE" and YTV's Gemini nominated: "MOVILLE MYSTERIES."
He has directed, developed, designed and written animated shows for NICKELODEON, WARNER BROS. ANIMATION, UNIVERSAL, DISCOVERY KIDS, PARAMOUNT and DISNEY FEATURES and has served as FILM ROMAN'S creative executive developing original content for animation and live action. He has also co-created the popular daily comic strip, "WHEN I WAS SHORT" distributed by KING FEATURES SYNDICATE and is the author/illustrator of the popular children's book, "13 NIGHTS OF HALLOWEEN" for Harper Collins Publishing.
He recently directed the movie, "MARIAH CAREY'S ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS." He was the supervising director for the DISCOVERY KIDS series: "GROWING UP CREEPIE," "GERONIMO STILTON", and directed the"LEGO Star Wars," TV special for Cartoon Network.
You can check out his Fine Art work
Phone: 310.450.4945